PLEASE READ below, they will answer 99.9% of your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

PLEASE READ below, they will answer 99.9% of your questions.

How is the SETC refund calculated?
Is this a loan?
Is the Self Employed Tax Credit / Refund taxable?
Both my spouse & I each file a Schdule C in our Federal Tax Returns – can we both apply?
What if I took PPP, ERC or an EIDL, can I still qualify?
How is the SETC refund received?
How long does the process take?
What if I am a Sub S Corp or C Corp and file a K1 (not a Schedule C)?
Does every self-employed business owner qualify?
What FEE do you charge?
Is there a MINIMUM size file you work with?
What is the AVERAGE someone receives?
What specific period is this tax credit for?
What if my business started in 2021?
What if my business started in 2022 or after?
I collect a W2 wage from an employer and I am 1099 or self employed through my own business; can I apply for the SETC?
I want to speak to someone over the phone?
I haven’t filed my tax returns for 2020 & 2021?
What if I have a tax lien, have a tax judgment or owe back taxes?
When does this program expire?
What forms are being filed to claim this tax credit?
What address does the tax credit refund check go to?
If I claimed this tax credit already, can I apply again?
When you say “tax credit”, is it actual money we get?
Do you sell my data?